World energy balances and statistics data services iea. Here, we report where the world stands on access to modern energy, based on a comprehensive update of our electricity and traditional use of biomass databases. Energy is essential for sustainable economic growth and improved human welfare. Provides access to basic information on all of the world banks lending projects from 1947 to the present. Renewables power up around the world growth in electricity generation from renewable sources. Note that the terms total final energy demand and total final energy consumption are convertible accordingly to the world energy outlook 2004. Those that anticipate global energy developments successfully can derive an advantage, while those that fail to do so risk making poor policy and investment decisions. World energy, it has become a respected contribution to the global discussion on energy. World energy outlook 20 capella festa international energy agency. Share of global export market for energyintensive goods the us, together with key emerging economies, increases its export market share for energyintensive goods, while the eu and japan see a sharp decline.
This reflects a shift in economies of nonoecd countries away from energy heavy manufacturing towards lighter industries and services as well as saturation effects in the oecd and some emerging economies. Jul 17, 2006 note that the terms total final energy demand and total final energy consumption are convertible accordingly to the world energy outlook 2004. Apr 24, 2012 production of wind electricity doubled between 2009 and 20, and in 2016 wind energy accounted for 16% of the electricity generated by renewables. World reaches 1,000gw of wind and solar, keeps going. It contains detailed data on the supply and consumption of energy for 150 countries and regions, including all oecd countries, over 100 other key countries, as well as world totals. Commercial, communications and software capabilities to allow multiple small. The annual energy outlook 2020 aeo2020 reference case uses the nems archive, which is available as an encrypted zip file on the eia website. Nuclear energy provides access to clean, reliable and affordable energy, mitigating the negative. World resources institute wri the global power plant database is an open source database of power plants around the world. The report also finds that the middle east, the only lar. World energy outlook 2016 sees renewables and natural gas. Additional sources of information for the database include national, regional. Client confidential information disclaimers 2 this work is prepared from sources and data that the cw group believes to be reliable, but the cw group makes no representation as to its accuracy or. The ieas world energy balances presents comprehensive energy balances for all the world s largest energy producing and consuming countries.
Nov, 20 according to the international energy agencys iea 20 edition of the world energy outlook weo 20, technology and high prices are opening up new oil resources, but this does not mean the world is on the verge of an era of oil abundance. The world energy outlook weo has published databases on electricity access and reliance on traditional biomass for cooking since 2002 weo 2016 electricity access database. Aug 29, 2017 nrel updates baseline cost and performance data for electricity generation technologies. For description of the indicator in world energy outlook the electricity generation indicator can be used particularly. Energy use refers to use of primary energy before transformation to other enduse fuels, which is equal. World energy outlook 2016 sees renewables and natural gas transforming global energy through.
Production includes the output of electricity plants that are designed to produce electricity only as well as that of combined heat and power plants. Primes model 202014 overview of methodology the primes model is organized in submodels modules, each one representing the behaviour of a specific or representative agent, a demander. Expert industry market research to help you make better business decisions, faster. It presents authoritative projections of energy trends through to 2035 and insights into what they mean for energy security, environmental sustainability and economic development. Solar power world is the leading online and print resource for news and information regarding solar pv installation, development and technology. Nrel updates baseline cost and performance data for electricity generation technologies. There is no single story about the future of global energy and no longterm iea forecast for the energy sector. Fatih birol, chief economist of the international energy agency iea designed and directed the study which was prepared by the ieas directorate of global energy economics of the international energy agency and other offices of the agency. The imf publishes a range of time series data on imf lending, exchange rates and other economic and financial indicators. The latest world energy outlook offers the most comprehensive analysis of what this. As our latest analyses in the africa energy outlook 2019 show, in africa the number of people gaining access to electricity doubled from 9 million a year between 2000 and 20 to 20 million people between 2014 and 2018, outpacing population growth.
This database presents statistics on electricity from generation through to sales and includes statistics on generating capacity, fuel used for generation, load factors and. Annual paid data services with detailed countrybycountry data on all fuels, co2 emissions, prices and taxes and energy policies. Eneroutlook is a free online interactive data software, allowing to browse data through intuitive maps and graphs, for a visual analysis of the expected longterm trends in the energy industry. New energy outlook 2019 bloomberg new energy finance. Geophires geothermal energy for the production of heat and electricity ir economically simulated is a software tool that combines reservoir, wellbore, and power plant models with capital and. The archive demonstrates that the published results. The commission also publishes a report on developments in energy prices over the last 12 months covering petroleum, crude oil, coal, carbon, electricity and gas. World electricity generation by fuel in the reference scenario power generation based on all types of energy except oil is projected to grow, with the biggest increases in absolute terms coming from coal and gasfired capacity 0 4 000 8 000 12 000 16 000 coal gas hydro nuclear other renewables biomass oil twh 2007 2015 2030. Explore raw data about the world bank groups finances, including disbursements and management of global funds.
In our 20 global renewable energy market outlook web terminal also known as gremo we estimated that global wind and solar installations would hit 865gw by the end of 2017. Geophires geothermal energy for the production of heat and electricity ir economically simulated is a software tool that combines reservoir, wellbore, and power plant models with capital and operating cost correlations and financial levelized cost models to assess the technical and economic performance of enhanced geothermal systems egs. The projections are made with the use of the world energy model 2004 developed by internation energy agency. Welcome fatih birol, chief economist at the international energy agency iea to present the ieas 20 world energy outlook on december 3rd from 9. Indias coal production and coalfired electricity generation capacity by state, fy2014. A separate report is available on the history of dated brent crude oil prices since 2007. In actual fact, the world had hit 945gw by end2017, thus outperforming our expectations by 9%, and hit 1. Data are provided in original units for the different types. Reference case, the resource base does not pose a global. The main source of information for the energy statistics database is the unsd annual questionnaire on energy statistics. Renewables power up around the world growth in electricity generation from renewable sources, 20112035. Share of global export market for energy intensive goods the us, together with key emerging economies, increases its export market share for energy intensive goods, while the eu and japan see a sharp decline. The udi world electric power plants database wepp is a global inventory of electric power generating units.
Under the eus odysseemure project, enerdata has developed and maintained six userfriendly data tools to help our users, including policy makers and energy economists, analyze energy efficiency changes and improvements in all eu countries, switzerland, serbia and norway the tools present the latest available energy data and drivers for each country, all gathered in one database. These changes provide the backdrop for the world energy outlook2017, which includes a full update of energy demand and supply projections to 2040 based on different scenarios. The outlook presents a full update of energy projections through to 2035 and insights into what they mean for energy security, climate change, economic development, and universal access to modern energy services. Energy information administrations annual energy outlook 2017. The power sector is a key driver of global energy growth, and the only. Soaring oil, gas and coal prices, exploding energy demand in china, war in iraq and electricity blackouts across the world are among the signs and causes of the profound transformations through which the energy world is passing. Global energy use grows by 36%, with non oecd countries led by china, where demand surges by 75% accounting for almost all of the increase world primary energy demand by region in the new policies scenario 0 2 000 4 000 6 000 8 000 10 000 12 000 14 000 16 000 18 000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 oe rest of world china oecd.
World energy outlook annex a tables for scenario projections. Total energy consumption outlook from iea european. Welcome to the 20 edition of bps energy outlook 2030. The iea produces free monthly statistics with timely and consistent oil, oil price, natural gas and electricity data for all oecd member countries back to 2000. World electricity generation from nuclear energy could range from 3,960 twh to 6,101 twh by 2040, increasing from around 2,535 twh in 2014 in a number of different scenarios examined by the international energy agency iea in its world energy outlook 2016 report released today. It shows how rising prosperity drives an increase in global. Aug 02, 2018 in our 20 global renewable energy market outlook web terminal also known as gremo we estimated that global wind and solar installations would hit 865gw by the end of 2017, and get very close to 1,000gw by the end of 2018. It presents authoritative projections of energy trends through to. Levelized costs of electricity and directuse heat from. Nrel updates baseline cost and performance data for.
It contains detailed data on the supply and consumption of energy for. The world energy forecasts have a consistent set of data based on a proven modelling methodology. World electricity generation by fuel in the reference scenario power generation based on all types of energy except oil is projected to grow, with the biggest increases in absolute terms coming from coal. Primes model 20 2014 overview of methodology the primes model is organized in submodels modules, each one representing the behaviour of a specific or representative agent, a demander andor a supplier of energy. Production of wind electricity doubled between 2009 and 20, and in 2016 wind energy accounted for 16% of the electricity generated by renewables. It contains design data for plants of all sizes and technologies operated by regulated utilities. Most of the data are obtained from the ieas own databases of energy and economics statistics. Increased focus on the effects of climate change is driving the adoption of environmentally friendly energy sources, while instituting policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions from the burning of traditional fuels. Looking further ahead, eias annual energy outlook 20 early release aeo reference case projected u.
Final energy consumption outlook from iea european. Natural gas liquefaction capacity to be commissioned in 200920 441. The expansion of the electricity system can be accelerated by the widespread deployment of energy storage, since storage can be a critical component of grid stability and resiliency. The world energy outlook series is a leading source of strategic insight on the future of energy and energyrelated emissions, providing detailed scenarios that map out the consequences of different. We provide reliable data, useful tools and impartial comment. Enerfuture provides global forecasting of energy demand, prices and co2 emissions by energy source and sector at both country and regional level.
In detail, sector by sector and region by region, the world energy outlook 2009. Commercial energy use kg of oil equivalent per capita. The world energy statistics and balances data service is a package containing both the world energy statistics and world energy balances data services. With slow load growth and increasing electricity production from renewables, u. World electricity generation from nuclear energy could range from 3,960 twh to 6,101 twh by 2040, increasing from around 2,535 twh in 2014 in a number of different scenarios examined by the. Focused on the electricity system, our new energy outlook neo combines the expertise of over 65 market and technology specialists in 12 countries to provide a unique view of how the market will. It shows how rising prosperity drives an increase in global energy demand and how that demand will be met over the coming decades through a diverse range of supplies including oil, gas, coal and renewables. The doe global energy storage database provides uptodate information on gridconnected energy storage projects and relevant state and federal policies. Industry market research reports, statistics, analysis, data, trends and forecasts. World energy outlook 2016 sees renewables and natural gas transforming global energy through 2040. More detailed documentation of nems is also available. The power sector is expected to remain the largest driver of gas demand. For an overview of nems, see the national energy modeling system. China is the main driver of increasing energy demand in the current decade.
Commercial energy use refers to apparent consumption, which is equal to indigenous production plus imports and stock. Global status report 2017 world green building council. The latest world energy outlook offers the most comprehensive analysis of what this transformation of the energy sector might look like, thanks to its energy projections to 2040. The world energy outlook series is a leading source of strategic insight on the future of energy and energy related emissions, providing detailed scenarios that map out the consequences of different energy policy and investment choices. The submodels are linked together by applying an algorithm which determines equilibrium prices in multiple markets and. According to the international energy agencys iea 20 edition of the world energy outlook weo20, technology and high prices are opening up new oil resources, but this does not. Availability of the national energy modeling system nems. Also electricity consumption and electricity prices dynamically link the. The expansion of the electricity system can be accelerated by the widespread deployment of. World energy outlook 2004appears at an extremely volatile and uncertain moment in modern energy history. Total electricity consumption outlook from iea european. The landmark paris agreement on climate change will transform the global energy system for decades to come. Renewables power up around the world growth in electricity generation from renewable sources, 2011.
Renewables capture twothirds of global investment in power plants to 2040 as they. Renewables power up around the world growth in electricity generation from renewable sources, 20112035 european union united. In an effort to provide users with more timely information, with the february 2020 edition of the world energy statistics database the iea is releasing statistics for those selected economies of the oecd. Manuals, guides, and other material on statistical practices at the imf, in member. Provides access to basic information on all of the world banks. The world energy statistics data service contains key energy statistics for over 150 countries and regions. The annual world energy outlook is the international energy agencys flagship publication, widely recognised as the most authoritative source for global energy projections and analysis citation. Autogrid software chosen to manage distributed energy. The world energy outlook has published detailed analysis of the energy. The wem makes use of wide range of software, including specific database management tools, econometric software. Soaring oil, gas and coal prices, exploding energy demand in china, war in iraq and electricity. The projections are accompanied by detailed analyses of their impact on energy industries and investment, as well as implications for energy security and the environment. As a result, the number of people without access to electricity, which peaked at 610 million in. World energy outlook 20 bo diczfalusy, naringsdepartementet.
Many parts of the world have strong wind speeds, but the best locations for generating wind power are sometimes remote ones. The energy statistics database contains basic statistics for more than 230 countriesterritories from 1950 year onwards and is updated annually. The ieas world energy balances presents comprehensive energy. The international energy agencys world energy outlook 20. Dr fatih birol will tackle all of these issues and more as he presents the key findings from the 20 edition of the ieas flagship publication the world energy outlook. World energy use continues to increase steadily in the reference. Our interactive energy transition toolkit includes five comprehensive tools that can be used together or separately.
Eias december 2012 shortterm energy outlook steo projected that u. Access to electricity % of population world bank, sustainable energy for all se4all database from the se4all global tracking framework led jointly by the world bank, international energy agency, and the energy sector management assistance program. World energy outlook 2012 industry and government decision makers and others with a stake in the energy sector all need weo2012. International energy outlook 2016 with projections to 2040. World electricity demand in the reference scenario is projected to grow at an annual rate of 3. World energy outlook 2014 world energy outlook 20 note.
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